Life Intelligence Silver Package
The Silver Package gives you access to all 8 profiling systems. Score the statements as to how much you agree with them and you will given 8 out of the total of 80 profiles , 1 for each brain filter. This will give you an excellent guide to who you are and what you need to change to improve your life.
The Silver Package gives you access to all 8 profiling systems. Score the statements as to how much you agree with them and you will given 8 out of the total of 80 profiles , 1 for each brain filter. This will give you an excellent guide to who you are and what you need to change to improve your life.
The Silver Package gives you access to all 8 profiling systems. Score the statements as to how much you agree with them and you will given 8 out of the total of 80 profiles , 1 for each brain filter. This will give you an excellent guide to who you are and what you need to change to improve your life.