LQ Gold Profiling System Access and Instructions
General Approach
Whilst the profile quizzes take a few minutes, there is a lot of content to read through in the resulting profiles, so it’s best to take it slowly and give yourself the time to digest and take on board the information. The suggestion is at most one profile a day. It is also advised that you use a journal and make notes of particularly important realisations. Alternatively, you could copy and paste sections from the profile web pages. Most importantly immediately make a note of your primary and secondary profiles from each results page.
How Your Mind Works
Video 1: The Happiness Hierarchy: The journey from stress and anxiety to happiness and charisma, with all of the stop-off points.
Video 2: The Mind Matrix: The mind’s filtering system taking 2 million bits of information down to 5-9 bits every second. This is the basis of the LQ Personal Profiling System.
The Power of LQ Profiling Article
This article will give you a general introduction to LQ Profiling and the understanding and direction you will get for your life moving forwards. Article Access: https://www.marknewey.com/power-of-lq-profiling
Complete Profiles e-book
This e-book will give you immediate access to all of the 80 profiles. Alternatively on completion of each quiz, you will be given a link to the webpage of the relevant set of profiles.
1. Childhood Programming Profile
· Video Introduction to Childhood Programming Access www.marknewey.com/childhood-programming
· Childhood Programming Quiz Access: www.marknewey.com/cp-quiz
12 Profiles/ 60 Statements: Score Agree Strongly, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Disagree Strongly
· Childhood Programming Profile Access: www.marknewey.com/cp-profiles
Introduction, 11 Immature Profiles, Transition, 12 Mature Profiles. (One exception: The Secure Achiever is a natural mature profile)
When you’ve scored all of the statements, you’ll be shown your primary and secondary Childhood Programming profiles and you’ll be given a link to the overall profile page, where you can read the general introduction on the power of the Childhood Programming Profiles and then choose which profile/s you check out in more detail. Alternatively, you can access the profiles in your LQ Profile e-book.
2. Relationship Power Dynamics
· Video Introduction to Relationship Power Dynamics www.marknewey.com/relationship-power-dynamics
· Relationship Power Dynamics quiz access: www.marknewey.com/rpd-quiz
4 Profiles/ 40 Statements: Score Agree Strongly, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Disagree Strongly
· Personalities Profile Access: www.marknewey.com/rpd-profiles
Introduction, 4 Immature Profiles, Transition, 4 Mature Profiles.
When you’ve scored all of the statements, you’ll be shown your primary and secondary Relationship Power Dynamics profiles and you’ll be given a link to the overall profile page, where you can read the general introduction on the power of the Relationship Power Dynamics Profiles and then choose which profile/s you check out in more detail. Alternatively, you can access the profiles in your LQ Profile e-book.
3. Personality Profiles
· Video Introduction to Personalities www.marknewey.com/personalities
· Personalities quiz access: www.marknewey.com/per-quiz
16 Profiles/ 64 Statements: Score Agree Strongly, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Disagree Strongly
· Personalities Profile Access: www.marknewey.com/pers-profiles
Introduction, 16 Profiles.
When you’ve scored all of the statements, you’ll be shown your primary and secondary Personality profiles and you’ll be given a link to the overall profile page, where you can read the general introduction on the power of the Personality Profiles and then choose which profile/s you check out in more detail. Alternatively, you can access the profiles in your LQ Profile e-book.
4. Thinking Style Profiles
· Video Introduction to Thinking Styles www.marknewey.com/thinking-styles
· Thinking Style quiz access: www.marknewey.com/ts-quiz
10 Profiles/ 50 Statements: Score Agree Strongly, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Disagree Strongly
· Thinking Styles Profile Access: www.marknewey.com/ts-profiles
Introduction, 10 Profiles.
When you’ve scored all of the statements, you’ll be shown your primary and secondary Thinking Styles profiles and you’ll be given a link to the overall profile page, where you can read the general introduction on the power of the Thinking Styles Profiles and then choose which profile/s you check out in more detail. Alternatively, you can access the profiles in your LQ Profile e-book.
5. Consciousness Profiles
· Video Introduction to Consciousness Profiles www.marknewey.com/consciousness
· Consciousness quiz access: www.marknewey.com/con-quiz
10 Profiles/ 50 Statements: Score Agree Strongly, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Disagree Strongly
· Consciousness Profile Access: www.marknewey.com/con-profiles
Introduction, 10 Immature Profiles, Transition, 10 Mature Profiles
When you’ve scored all of the statements, you’ll be shown your primary and secondary Consciousness profiles and you’ll be given a link to the overall profile page, where you can read the general introduction on the power of the Consciousness Profiles and then choose which profile/s you check out in more detail. Alternatively, you can access the profiles in your LQ Profile e-book.
6. Values Profiles
· Video Introduction to Values Profiles www.marknewey.com/values
· Values quiz access: www.marknewey.com/val-quiz
10 Profiles/ 50 Statements: Score Agree Strongly, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Disagree Strongly
· Values Profile Access: www.marknewey.com/val-profiles
Introduction 10 Mature Profiles
When you’ve scored all of the statements, you’ll be shown your primary and secondary Values profiles and you’ll be given a link to the overall profile page, where you can read the general introduction on the power of the Values Profiles and then choose which profile/s you check out in more detail. Alternatively, you can access the profiles in your LQ Profile e-book.
7. Rebel Profiles
· Video Introduction to Rebel Profiles www.marknewey.com/rebel
· Rebel quiz access: www.marknewey.com/reb-quiz
10 Profiles/ 50 Statements: Score Agree Strongly, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Disagree Strongly
· Rebel Profile Access: www.marknewey.com/reb-profiles
Introduction 10 Mature Profiles
When you’ve scored all of the statements, you’ll be shown your primary and secondary Rebel profiles and you’ll be given a link to the overall profile page, where you can read the general introduction on the power of the Rebel Profiles and then choose which profile/s you check out in more detail. Alternatively, you can access the profiles in your LQ Profile e-book.
8. Purpose Profiles
· Video Introduction to Purpose Profiles
· Purpose quiz access: www.marknewey.com/pur-quiz
8 Profiles/ 48 Statements: Score Agree Strongly, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Disagree Strongly
· Purpose Profile Access: www.marknewey.com/pur-profiles
Introduction 8 Mature Profiles