The Hidden Path
What is LQ?
Life Intelligence is quite simply the most important knowledge that we can learn as a human being in order to live a good life!
And yet, very few of us are Life Intelligent!
That doesn’t mean we’re thick! What it does mean though, is that we don’t understand how our mind works and how we create our reality; it’s the very reason why so few of us are living the life we want. It’s the reason that most of us are surviving, not thriving. We don’t know how!
How is that we leave school without knowing how our mind works, who we are and how we create our reality?
91% of how you create your reality is unconscious. Your mind gets hit with 2 million bits of information a second, but your conscious, logical mind can only deal with 5-9 bits of information. The difference is taken care of by your unconscious filtering system, which is completely unique to you as an individual.
A huge part of Life Intelligence is understanding your personal filtering system; fortunately it’s simple.
LQ focuses on understanding and competencies that contribute to overall life satisfaction including self-awareness, self-esteem, authenticity, resilience, empathy, communication, purpose and the all-elusive Effortless Charisma.
Who are you? Big question. Do you have an answer?
It’s essential that you dig deep, explore and start to build a deep sense of self. Your identity is so much more than…being a parent…a sister…a teacher or a lawyer - but that’s what most people will tell you when you ask them that big question. Your identity is unique: you are unique. And you need to own it.
These are the 5 Pillars of Life Intelligence (LQ).
Pillar 1: True Identity. Since almost none of us understands what the unconscious programmes running rampant in our unconscious minds are, we lack the true sense of self that gives us the calmness, groundedness, clarity, vision, charisma and undefended leadership qualities that allow us to shine effortlessly.
Pillar 2: Self Esteem. Self-esteem is genuinely rare. Think about it: how many people in your life do you reckon are genuinely comfortable in their own skin? The problem is that without deep level self-awareness, which few people have, feeling good about ourselves is pretty difficult. This is a key outcome of Life Intelligence and essential in the journey to Effortless Charisma.
Pillar 3: Authenticity: Now that you’ve started to feel comfortable in your own skin, you can go out into the world undefended as YOU. No mask, no armour, no hologram: just you, warts and all. No more hiding! Calm, grounded, humble and effortlessly inspirational.
Pillar 4: Purpose. Purpose is our True North. It anchors us in thriving mode and gives us so much more than just a reason to bounce out of bed every day. It changes everything in the way we live and the impact we have on others. Are you ready to find yours?
Pillar 5: Effortless Charisma. Being deeply self-aware and happy with our true selves allows us to become authentic, aligned and undefended. In the unfolding of Life Intelligence, our self-assured, grounded presence in everyday life naturally invites connection. We become leaders by influence rather than force, by virtue of character rather than ego. We can talk to anyone. People approach us. We humbly leave an impression in the simplest of conversations. This is a rarity in the world today, and the world badly needs authentic relationships which see the inherent dignity of all life as paramount.