Is Your Life Working?
Or are you:
Surviving instead of thriving?
Just keeping calm and carrying on?
Feeling unfulfilled?
Living on a treadmill?
Living on autopilot?
Living life asleep?
Living life unconsciously?
The Problem
Your Unconscious is dominated by the Survival Brain. The fight or flight mechanism worked for our caveman ancestors: we would fight and kill the sabre tooth tiger or run like hell and escape…then our breathing would slow down; our system would come back into balance and we’d relax.
However, in today’s chaotic, over-stimulated world, our “life threats” are primarily in our head; they’re constant and they’re not actually life-threatening: “What if…I lose my job…I fail that exam…she doesn’t like me…I miss my train?” and so on and so on.
But the Unconscious can’t tell the difference between real fear and “false fear”.
Our Safety Solution is to create a Mask of what we want people to see.
We’ve been brought up to constantly worry about what people think of us so we pretend to be somebody else. Do you reckon you can be happy being somebody else?
The mask becomes so much more: it becomes a false identity that we show the world. This false identity becomes our safety jacket, our armour. The problem is we become a puppet of our real selves.
This false identity is our ego “keeping us safe”; it’s operating constantly and it’s exhausting. The voice in our head has to be constantly active to keep the false identity in place. This false identity is the root of all our emotional problems.
We need to be the real us.
But who is that?